DAHLIA has been developing a Very High Performance microprocessor System on Chip (SoC) based on STMicroelectonics European 28nm FDSOI technology with multi-core ARM processors for real-time applications, eFPGA for flexibility and key European IPs, enabling faster and cost-efficient development of products for multiple space application domains.
The performance is expected to be 20 to 40 times the performance of the existing SoC for space. This performance level, combined with a large set of integrated peripherals including dedicated on-chip functions for GNSS, TM and TC support, will enable key space applications to be executed within the same microprocessor significantly reducing cost and mass and boosting competitiveness of future European space equipments.
With the highest cumulative number of European satellites and electronics equipments successfully operating in orbit, Airbus Defense and Space and Thales Alenia Space represent together the indisputable best positioned companies in Europe to ensure the maximum relevance of the DAHLIA SoC for its future use by the whole European Space community.
Beyond Space applications, the adoption of the ARM processor will enable the convergence with terrestrial applications benefiting from the strong ARM ecosystem while the new SoC will ensure European strategic non dependence for the most critical component on board.

The work has been performed in the project DAHLIA, co-funded by Horizon 2020.
DAHLIA Project Information
DHALIA is a new COMPET-1-2016 – Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness – project coordinated by STMicroelectronics (France), and the duration is 36 months.
Start Date: January 1, 2017
End Date: December 31, 2019
Grant Number: 730011
EU Contribution: 4.249.148,75 €
Topic: COMPET-1-2016 – Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness
Call: H2020-SPACE-2016
Funding Scheme: RIA – Research and Innovation action